Global Governance
When The World Will Be As One
Part IV
Aug. 21, 1992 - Near Ruby Ridge, Idaho, the home of Randy and Vicki Weaver and their four children has been under surveillance by the U.S. Marshals Service for 17 months. When the family dog begins barking, family friend Kevin Harris and the Weavers' 13-year-old son Sammy follow, thinking it is on the scent of a deer. Men in camouflage clothing (the marshals) shoot the dog, and Harris and Sammy return fire. Deputy Marshal William Degan and Sammy are killed in the exchange. Sammy is shot in the back as he runs for the house. The Marshals Service requests assistance from the FBI, which sends its Hostage Rescue Team (HRT) to the scene.
Aug. 22, 1992 - A HRT sniper, Lon Horiuchi, fires two shots: the first wounds Randy Weaver (though not seriously); the second kills Vicki Weaver as she holds her baby in her arms and seriously wounds Kevin Harris. Randy Weave, he had allegedly sawed off a shotgun barrel a quarter of an inch too short. For that, his house was surrounded by Federal agents and his wife and son were killed.
Aug. 31, 1992 - The 11-day siege ends when Randy Weaver surrenders to authorities. A jury found Weaver innocent of the original firearms violation he was accused of.
Sept. 29, 1992 - At a town hall meeting in Los Angeles, Trilateralist and former CFR president Winston Lord later Assistant Secretary of State in the Clinton Administration delivers a speech entitled "Changing Our Ways: America and the New World," in which he remarks: "To a certain extent, we are going to have to yield some of our sovereignty, which will be controversial at home. Under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), some Americans are going to be hurt as low-wage jobs are taken away."
Winter 1992-93 - The CFR's "Foreign Affairs" publishes "Empowering the United Nations," by U.N. Secretary General Boutros-Boutros Ghali, who asserts: "It is undeniable that the centuries-old doctrine of absolute and exclusive sovereignty no longer stands...Underlying the rights of the individual and the rights of peoples is a dimension of universal sovereignty that resides in all humanity...It is a sense that increasingly finds expression in the gradual expansion of international law...In this setting the significance of the United Nations should be evident and accepted."
1993 - A second Parliament of World Religions is held in Chicago on the 100th anniversary of the first. Like the first convention, this one seeks to join all the religions of the world into "one harmonious whole," but it wants to make them "merge back into their original element." Traditional beliefs of monotheistic religions such as Christianity are considered incompatible with individual "enlightenment" and must be drastically altered.
Feb. 28, 1993 - A force of 76 ATF agents becomes embroiled in a deadly firefight with Branch Davidians while attempting to present an arrest warrant on the sect leader David Koresh for alleged federal firearms and explosives violations. Four ATF agents are killed Steve Willis, Robert William, Conway Lebleu, and Tod McKeehan transferred from the Secret Service, where they were Clinton guards - to BATF prior to the assault - Killed by friendly fire. All died with gunshot wounds to the left temple. 16 were wounded during the shootout, while an estimated six Dravidians’ are killed and an unknown number (including Koresh) injured. Federal law strictly prohibits the use of military personnel and equipment against American citizens. An exception is allowed if drugs are involved. ATF agents simply lied in order to obtain the use of National Guard helicopters in their assault. They claimed there was a methamphetamine lab in the Branch Davidian compound. There was no evidence whatsoever of the existence of a methamphetamine lab in the Branch Davidian compound. There are no indications that the ATF ever attempted to serve their warrant or even announce who they were. They just emerged from stock trailers with guns blazing. At the same time that the ground assault began, helicopter gunships began firing at the Branch Davidian compound from above. The Branch Davidians did not begin returning fire until nine minutes after the ATF attack began. The ATF had also positioned snipers in a building some distance away from the Branch Davidian compound. They could not shoot at the Branch Davidians without firing over the heads of the attacking ATF agents. It is entirely possible that some of the ATF casualties were hit by their own men. Two of the ATF agents who were killed in the raid had entered a second story window of the Branch Davidian home. A third ATF agent then fired directly into the window his comrades had just entered.
April 19, 1993 - Following a 51-day siege, military tanks driven by FBI personnel begin punching holes in the Branch Davidian complex to insert a tearing agent and end the standoff. Shortly after noon, fire breaks out within the building and it is rapidly engulfed in flames. The remains of at least 74 individuals, including 21 children under the age of 16, are recovered from the ruins, some of whom had died of gunshot wounds. The CS gas the FBI introduced into the Branch Davidian compound had been previously banned from international warfare. The U.S. couldn't have used it against Saddam Hussein, yet it was used on women and children at Waco. The manufacturer of the gas had quit selling it to Israel because they had used it against Palestinians in their homes, and several children had been killed by it. The manufacturer had warned that the gas should not be used in a closed space because of its potentially lethal consequences. The gas is also highly flammable. Paul Gray, the "independent" arson investigator who determined that the Branch Davidians were responsible for the fire, was a former ATF employee, and his wife was a current ATF employee - hardly an unbiased third party. In Congressional hearings, Attorney General Janet Reno claimed the government had to act because children were being abused. This raises an interesting question: Why was the ATF involved at all? Child abuse cases are not within the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms. Kiri Jewell, the 14-year-old girl whose tear-jerking testimony convinced many that the raid was justified, was not even with the Branch Davidians at the time she alleges that David Koresh abused her. She was living with her mother and grandmother in California.
July 18, 1993 - CFR member and Trilateralist Henry Kissinger writes in the "Los Angeles Times" concerning NAFTA: "What Congress will have before it is not a conventional trade agreement but the architecture of a new international system...a first step toward a new world order."
July 20, 1993 - White House Counsel Vincent Foster is found dead in Ft. Marcy Park under mysterious circumstances. He had been shot in the head. The official ruling is suicide. FBI Director William Sessions is fired by President Clinton only hours before Foster turns up dead. In order to get to the location where his body was found, Foster would have had to walk 700 feet through a heavily wooded park. Yet no soil was found on his shoes. FBI agents were prevented from investigating Foster's office by Administration officials until after they had removed several files. Vincent Scalice, an expert witness who has investigated thousands of homicides during his 35 years as a homicide investigator for the New York City Police Department, observes: "In my experience, I have never seen a case so poorly handled and investigated, especially since there is so much evidence of foul play." Vince Foster had been a partner with Hillary Clinton in the Rose Law Firm.
Oct. 30, 1993 - "Washington Post" ombudsman Richard Harwood does an op-ed piece about the role of the CFR's media members: "Their membership is an acknowledgment of their ascension into the American ruling class where they do not merely analyze and interpret foreign policy for the United States; they help make it."
Feb. 1994 - A U.S. District Court jury in San Antonio, Texas, finds 11 members of the Branch Davidian sect innocent of murder and conspiracy charges at Waco.
May 3, 1994 - President Bill Clinton signs Presidential Decision Directive 25 and then declares it Classified so the American people can't see what it says. The summary of PDD-25 issued to members of Congress tells us that it authorizes the President to turn over control of U.S. military units to U.N. command.
May 10, 1994 - U.S. Marines stationed at Twenty-Nine Palms, California, are given a survey in which they are asked if they would be willing to swear to a code which declares: "I am a United Nations fighting person." They are also asked in the survey if they would be willing to fire on American citizens.
Sept. 1994 - The U.S. Senate comes very close to ratifying the Convention on Biological Diversity which came out of the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 and was signed by President Clinton in 1993. At the last minute, senators become aware of its outrageous agenda to subjugate most of humankind to "sacred nature." The U.N. objectives this treaty fulfills include: "make nature worship a State Religion," "classify people as the enemy," and "create areas devoid of human presence." The treaty itself is less than 30 pages long - a loosely worded, rambling conglomeration of "legalese" and statements of principle. But the implementing protocols would not be written until after the Senate ratifies the treaty! In effect, Congress would be signing a blank check. Worse yet, the enabling protocols are to be written by Non-Governmental Organizations - radical environmental and socialist organizations.
Sept. 23, 1994 - The globalists realize that as more and more people begin to wake up to what's going on, they have only a limited amount of time in which to implement their policies. While speaking at the United Nations Ambassadors' dinner, David Rockefeller remarks: "This present window of opportunity, during which a truly peaceful and interdependent world order might be built, will not be open for too long." Notice that he did not question if world order would come - only whether it would arrive peacefully. He believes: "We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order."
March 1995 - U.N. delegates meet in Copenhagen, Denmark, to discuss various methods for imposing global taxes on the people of the world.
April 19, 1995 - An explosion devastates the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, resulting in the deaths of 168 people. Both former FBI agent Ted Gunderson and Air Force explosives expert General Benton Partin say that an ammonium-nitrate/fuel oil bomb in a truck parked in front of the building could not possibly have caused the extensive structural damage that resulted. There had to be explosives attached to the columns inside the building. Some of the debris from the Murrah Building was blown toward the truck. Dr. Raymon Brown, a geophysicist for the Oklahoma Geological Survey, reports seismic data for that date which indicate that there were actually two explosions about 12 seconds apart. Televised video taken shortly after the bombing shows unexploded devices from the building being hauled away by the bomb squad. Edye Smith, whose two children were killed in the Murrah daycare, asked the question on national TV, "Where was the ATF?" All of their employees survived because they were told not go in to work that day. After she asked that question, she says government agents told her, "Keep your mouth shut, don't talk about it." Lester Martz, in charge of the Dallas ATF office, claims that an ATF agent and a DEA agent were riding in an elevator in the building, that after the blast their elevator free fell 50 feet and that they escaped from the elevator and rescued several people. Yet elevator service personnel say that no one was in the elevators, none of the elevators free fell and the doors of all the elevators were jammed shut by the explosion. They say that if anyone had free fallen 50 feet they would have, at the very least, broken their ankles. When asked if he had suspected that something might happen on April 19th, John Magaw, Director of the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms, replied that he had, and he stated that all BATF facilities across the country had been notified to be on the alert. When BATF agents in Oklahoma City were asked that same question, they replied that they had no idea anything would happen on that date. Clearly, somebody is not telling the truth. Immediately after the bombing, the FBI launched a massive manhunt for "John Doe No. 2." Now we are expected to believe that he never existed. Witnesses who say they saw John Doe No. 2 were not allowed to testify before the grand jury which indicted Timothy McVeigh.