This web site features articles giving meaning of world news in the light of Bible prophecy, current issues in today's world, and Christian living, material that will enrich the spiritual life of those who seek to know more about God.
I believe that any of the popular trends taking place today in Christendom are significantly and adversely influencing the spiritual state of the church. Although my deep convictions, I give my reasons and provide information and documentation for every subject I address, definitely I am not the final word on any particular subject that is addressed in these subjects. God's Word is our final word in all subjects!
My objective is to simply encourage believers to measure everything they do against the plumb line of God's Word.
In these spiritually perilous days before the Lord's return, each of us who professes Christ needs to diligently study (the Scriptures) to show themselves approved unto God, a workman that need do to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. (2 Timothy 2:15)